As music is fundamental to human expression, the UNIS Music Department provides students with an environment to explore, experience, perform and enjoy music in relation to themselves, others, and the world around them, past and present.

 Students explore how musical traditions from around the world both influence and mirror a host of cultural settings. Through this global setting, students analyze how musical characteristics are shaped by emotions as well as social, political, and religious activities.
In addition, through the study of music theory, understanding of the elements of melody, harmony, rhythm, texture, and form are used to cultivate musical creativity, 
From Junior School through Tutorial House, and, for some, culminating in IB Music, UNIS Music cultivates the development of vocal, instrumental and theoretical skills that are necessary for aesthetic enrichment and creative musical expression. Through this process, our overarching goal is to also develop life worthy skills necessary for creating global citizens of high character.



Junior School

Middle School

Tutorial House

Co-Curricular Activities

Celebration of Student Work

UNIS Students perform at Carnegie Hall: A Festival of Orchestras

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Camerata Virtual Recital, Patricio Diaz, Conductor

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream": Interdisciplinary Project between Junior School Visual Artists and Tut House Music Technology Students

Senior Chorus performs at the United Nations for the launch of the U.N. Women's Year of Elimination of Violence Against Women