IB Art students work on their artwork

By studying different artistic traditions, students become aware of the cultural contexts that inform perception and imagination and begin to see their own work in context. Artists, movements, and cultures that are relevant to studio projects and interdisciplinary themes are studied. Museum trips and visits by artists are scheduled when appropriate.
Skills in design, drawing, creative process, problem solving, special techniques, and cultural research are structured to enable students to direct their imaginative efforts and learn from tradition. Students respond to class projects and interdisciplinary themes with different strategies and personal inspiration. Work is done individually, in small groups, and occasionally as a class. Students maintain portfolios and sketchbooks to help them retain knowledge and techniques learned and become aware of their choices and interests. Digital portfolios assist teachers in assessing students' progress during the course and at the end of each semester.



Junior School

Middle School

Tutorial House

Co-Curricular Activities

Celebration of Student Work

IB Art Show (2021) - Unmuted!

Oceans in Motion, Animation Project: UNIS Middle School students respond to United Nations SDG 14: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources. (Click image for more!)

Middle School Project: MS advertises Parents' Association International Food and Fun Fair

Middle School Protest Posters: Students reflect on social, political, and environmental issues. (Click image for more!)

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream": Interdisciplinary Project between Junior School Visual Artists and Tut House Music Technology Students

First page of the PDF file: FINALqueer4

IB Art Exhibition, Combobulated (2019): UNIS IB Art students showcase their work. This culminating event takes place annually in a professional NYC gallery.

First page of the PDF file: Selfportrait_J3Melillo10

J3 Self Portraits

Tribute to Maya Angelou’s, “Still I Rise": UNIS arts students respond to Angelou’s poem.