Student Haiku Contest 2024

Application Period: January 1 - March 8, 2024

Eligibility:  Any teacher can enter his or her students’ haiku poems.  (We have discontinued the former eligibility requirement of attending an instructional workshop. This contest is open for every teacher who wants to enter.)

Regulations: Only poems that have not been previously published or submitted to a contest are eligible. Each student may submit up to three haiku, but no teacher may submit more than 40 poems from his or her students.

NEW: We are excited to welcome Haiku written in Italian language this year!  


Submission Format: Haiku should be organized by divisions and it can not be mixed with multiple divisions in one document.  (i.e. Middle school Haiku and High school Haiku should be divided in a separate document) You can upload up to 5 divisions separately in one submission form.  

Submission Files:

You need to upload 1 document.  

1.  On page 1, it should have only Haiku 

2.  On page 2, it should have the personal information (student name, grade, school name, city and state, and teacher name). (When we print it out, it should be able to be double-sided with Haiku and its author’s information.)

3. Please name the document in the following order.

   Language/Division/-teacher's name

        E.g. English Elementary division Haiku = eelem-teacher's name (e=English) (elem= Elementary)

       Japanese Middle school division Haiku =jmid-teacher's name (j=Japanese) ) (mid= middle school)

       French High school division haiku = fhs-teacher's name (f=French) (hs = high school) 

       Italian High school division Haiku = ihs-teacher’s name (i=Italian) (hs = high school)

       Spanish SDG Haiku = ssdg-teacher's name (s=Spanish) 

Submission file format:

Please use one of the following formats, google doc, word, or PDF, when you upload the files.  If you are a PC user and have trouble uploading word, please choose one of the following:  

Option 1 - upload your word document in google drive and upload the file from there.  

Option 2 - upload the files as PDF.

Please click here to submit


English (4 divisions): Elementary (1-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12), Teacher division

French (3 divisions): Elementary School (1-6), Middle & High School (7-12), Teacher division

Italian (2 divisions): Elementary School (1-6), Middle & High School (7-12)

Japanese (4 divisions): Elementary (1-5), Middle School (6-8), High School (9-12) , Teacher division*

*There has been interest in the Japanese college division. College students are welcome to submit their Haiku to the Japanese teacher division.*

Spanish (2 divisions): Elementary School (1-6), Middle & High School (7-12)

Other Languages (Arabic, Chinese, and Other) No division

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) division (English, French, Japanese, Spanish) 

Awards Ceremony: Saturday, June 8, 2023

Venue: Hybrid - In person at UNIS theatre and virtual via Zoom

Please fill out this survey form

Further questions: and

Organizers: UNIS Japanese Program, UNIS English Department & Northeast Council of Teachers of Japanese (NECTJ)

Sponsors:  Permanent Mission of Japan to the United Nations, United Nations International School, Kodansha America Inc., Kodansha International, Japan Publications, Japan Trading, Red Moon Press, The Heron’s & Japan Foundation