About the Middle School

The Middle School has approximately 500 students from grades 5-8. It serves as the bridge between the Junior School and Tutorial House. In the Middle School, students in the 5th and 6th grades continue with the same academic program in terms of subjects studied as they had in the Junior School. However, once they begin the 7th grade, our as we call it at UNIS, M3, students begin to take an additional language from one of 7 options. Our academic program strives to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary for the 21st century. Academic subjects are balanced with classes in the arts, music, physical education, health, and modern languages.

Philosophy of the Middle School

At UNIS, we recognize Middle School students are at a unique time in their lives – a time when they are seeking greater independence and exploring their identity. Focused on facilitating a meaningful transition to adolescence and addressing the ever changing, complex needs of the middle level learner, we are committed to providing learning experiences relevant to the lives of adolescents. Through a safe, nurturing learning environment supported by caring teams of teachers, our program provides each student with opportunities to explore, inquire, and develop confidence.

Middle School Green Guides share their sustainability ideas with United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres.

"Our job in the Middle School is to set our students up for academic success. We need to be ever mindful of the unique and challenging nature of adolescence and provide the support and structures our learners require to question, explore, experiment, and discover in a safe and intellectually stimulating environment. As Albert Einstein said, “I never teach my pupils, I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”"

Elaine Kelly Middle School Principal Our Principal

MS Highlights

Camp Experiences
Our annual camps program enables students and teachers to create enduring memories and friendships through physical, intellectual, and emotional challenges. 

The Middle School Musical
Each year, eager Middle Students audition for a role in our annual musical production put on my our Theatre Department. 

Guest Speakers
Middle School students have regularly hosted special guest speakers, including a Supreme Court Justice and a member of Congress

Fundraising for UNICEF 
For more than 3 decades, Middle School students have taken part in raising funds for UNICEF. Each year, they raise thousands of dollars for this worthy cause. 

Our Students

Two Middle School students perform in the 2019 production of "Willy Wonka."

"“UNIS is special because you can become friends with students from around the world. 

Because UNIS is UN family, there are a lot of projects that help with the environmental issues.  I am happy that I can be a part of it!”

Rio Middle School Student

Middle School students enjoying Spring 2019, Sports Day!


Middle School students, who study Spanish, traveled to Puerto Rico in Spring 2019. 


Middle School students, who study French, traveled to Québec in Spring 2019.


Our Programs