It is the UNIS mission to inspire its students to become an active force in shaping a world that is more peaceful, compassionate and sustainable.
The ethos of community service runs throughout the school and is formalized in the high school. Tutorial 1 and Tutorial 2 students are required to perform a minimum of thirty hours by the end of the school year. There are many volunteer opportunities at UNIS; however, for students to engage in varied and meaningful service work in the greater NYC area, they are expected to complete at least ten (if not all thirty) of these volunteer hours outside of UNIS. The Office of Student Activities publicizes opportunities and helps with placements.
UNIS students partake in various community service opportunities. Some past projects include:
- Habitat for Humanity
- Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen
- NYC Parks Conservation Corps
- Intern with a variety of New York City museums
- City Harvest
- Solar One
- Star Learning Center
- Project Rosseau
- 92nd Street Y
- Five Borough Bike Tour
- USA Mali Charitable Association
- The Dwelling Place
- Womankind
- Wild Bird Fund
- Hour Children
- Citizen's Committee for Children of New York
Looking to volunteer?
The Office of Student Activities regularly broadcasts UNIS and BeyondUNIS volunteer opportunities throughout the year.
Student Activities Corner to learn more about available opportunities
UNIS Community Cares
For more detailed information about UCC and opportunities to be involved, please see below.
For quick access to the form Please Click Here
UNIS Community Cares (UCC)
The United Nations International School is committed to the idea that all of us can make a difference and a better world. Although the COVID-19 virus has forced us to socially distance, we are finding ways to come together as a community and put our shared values into practice. Members of our community - from students, teachers, parents, staff and alumnae - are supporting or starting projects to help others during this pandemic, including sending food and masks to first responders, writing letters to healthcare workers, and donating to food banks.
Our goal is to showcase how we are living the mission of the school and share with one another how we have been active in our community, volunteering for various organization, and showcase the acts of kindness, both big and small, to inspire our community to lend a helping hand virtually, either locally or globally, using our collective resources, unique skills and most importantly UNIS spirit.
Acts of kindness during dark times are a balm to the soul and reconnect us with our shared humanity. Please fill out this form to share a project and/or invite others in our community to join you in your efforts. Please feel free to share videos or pictures and help us spread some good news and positive energy.
For students -- be creative! Find a single parent with a child at home and call and read them a story, sing a song or connect with a person who feels isolated. Write a letter to your elders who are isolated. Share your efforts and ideas!
We are UNIS strong. Let's show how the strength of our community unites us. Together we can make a difference.
UNIS Community Cares Projects
- Thank You Cards for Care Providers
- Support First Responders
- Thank You Tribute to our Heroes at NYU
- Raising Funds for Communities in Mexico
- Funds for Food Banks