"..not many high school students can say that they helped to organize a conference at the United Nations General Assembly for over 500 students."
UNIS-UN is a two-day student devised and led conference held annually in the General Assembly Hall at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City.
The UNIS-UN Student Conference Organizing Committee was founded during the 1976/1977 academic year and quickly grew from a group of about twenty students to one of the largest student groups at UN. UNIS-UN is far more complex than the well known Model UN conferences used by other schools. UNIS-UN focuses on a contemporary global issue selected by students, free of any national agendas and obligations, although sensitive to the value of understanding different perceptions and perspectives.
We invite expert and engaging speakers that are well versed on the topic who deliver dynamic and intellectually stimulating presentations to the hundreds of international students participants from six continents.
The United Nations has always supported this project by providing services, space and the privilege of using the prestigious General Assembly Hall.
To the end of promoting global awareness and cross-culturalism, the annual themes are always ones of global importance. Past conferences have addressed the following subjects:
Quotes from Past Participants
“Through the UNIS-UN experience, we acquired so many good and useful tools with which to try and shape the world in which we live.”
“...the conference is not only an opportunity for students to engage together intellectually but culturally and socially as well.”
"The students (and teachers) had such a great time and really enjoyed their time at UNIS and the UN GA.
The students really enjoyed meeting your students and students from around the world, as well as exploring your backyard !
Whilst we're now back at our school, a little bit jet lagged, the memories, the learning and hopefully the friendships created will endure."
- Mr. Craig Linfoot, Deputy Principal,
Northern Beaches Christian School, Australia
Experience UNIS-UN
1977: A Look Into the First UNIS-UN
2018: A Look into Today's UNIS-UN
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For any further questions, please contact info@unis-un.org